Made in Germany - since 1863


August Vormann GmbH & Co. KG
Qualitäty management according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

Qualitäty management

according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

Quality management means planning, steering, monitoring and improving processes and procedures with the aim of reaching and maintaining high standards in product quality. Customers’ requirements are constantly becoming more and more stringent, and the increasing harmonisation of the market, together with comparability via the Internet, make it harder and harder for companies to acquire and retain customers.

This is why VORMANN already installed a quality management system in its organisation many years ago. This system is audited by TÜV NORD, a recognized independent certification agency, in compliance with the EN ISO 9001:2015 quality standard.
Through the introduction of a quality management system, which aims to optimise all production processes, including all interfaces, we make the individual production steps more transparent and easier to understand. This strengthens our customers’ trust in us and simultaneously our competitiveness on national and international markets.

Regular auditing of quality standards in all corporate areas and continuous process monitoring make sure that VORMANN is able to meet the stringent requirements of its customer base, and thus secure for itself an important competitive advantage over manufacturers from low-wage countries.

Quality attributes



“A QM certificate, though, is no warranty for an optimal corporate organisation. Quality must be practised, and this requires 100 per cent backing of the quality management system by the top executives.” 

The meaning of this statement taken from the website is clear: unless the management gets fully behind their QM system, it will not be possible to convince the workers of its necessity, and in such a company systematic production of good quality becomes really difficult.

At VORMANN, the Management fully supports its Quality Management and has been keen from the very beginning to get all areas and corporate departments involved in it.

Continuous quality audits are a way to ensure that quality remains a top priority at VORMANN, because the company wants to keep its promise of consistent good quality given to its customers.

CE marking

CE marking

The following conditions must be fulfilled by all products bearing a CE mark:

  • evidence of conformity to the relevant directives
  • existence of a monitoring system
  • existence of a declaration of performance

The CE mark affixed to any given product indicates that this product complies with the requirements of the applicable harmonised European directives. The prerequisites for CE marking of products used in building construction are specified in the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) 305/2011 (EU).

CE labelling for numerous products subject to the Construction Products’ Regulations, such as angle joints, joist hangers and other wood connectors, as well as adjustable support shoes and other post-bearers, is further evidence of our endeavour to ensure transparency of quality and safety standards.

The CE mark is affixed directly on our products as far as this is technically feasible and/or on the pakaging labels.

Worker self-assessment

Worker self-assessment

The assurance of product quality in ongoing production is secured by worker self-assessment.
Following intensive training, the workers on the production floor assume personal responsibility for quality during production. A comprehensive electronic inspection schedule is available for every product. Via terminals installed in the production plant, the workers can view this inspection schedule, which specifies precisely the quality parameters to be checked. Any deviations detected are entered in our QM system as feedback. 

From this information, the system compiles daily reports that are used to remedy any faults that have been detected by taking appropriate action.

In this way, VORMANN ensures consistent good quality for every product that leaves its production plant.

Declaration of performance (DoP)

CE marking confirms that a given product complies with all requirements imposed on the manufacturer by European law. It proves the conformity of a product with all requirements stipulated by EU legislation as prerequisites for bearing this mark.

Where a manufacturer decides to place a construction product on the market and that product is covered by a harmonised standard, it must complete a declaration of performance (Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011).

The declaration of performance (DoP) shall assign the place of the existing EU declaration of conformity and must be available for all CE-marked products from 01.07.2013.

All CE documents are available to you in our download area.

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